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Top 3 Benefits of Laser Acne Scar Removal Treatment


Acne scars are the result of inflammation of the skin, and this is something which can affect us in many different ways. A scar on the face not only just affects the look of our face but it can also has it affects on our confidence and self-esteem. People who choose laser skin treatment, find it to be the most effective and the safest way to remove acne scars. It’s because there are plenty of products out there boasting of magical results, but do not really meet their promise.

Laser Scar Removal in Phuket or somewhere else treatment is one of the most effective ways to get rid of those scars and it comes with a good number of benefits as well. If you are someone who's been thinking about getting rid of your acne scars as well but are not sure whether or not you should opt for it, sticking to the article would help.

1. Less Harsh Than Traditional Methods

If you know about the traditional method of removing the scars, it uses the ablative blast of energy that can irritate and redden sensitive skin. It is more like a sunburn that is quite severe. The new method of surgery includes non-ablative laser resurfacing treatment, which is gentle on the skin.

2. It’s Ideal For All Skin Types

There are two types of acne scarring. One of those types of skin scarring is where the scars are raised above the skin (hypertrophic) and the second one is where there are depressions in the skin (Atrophic). There might be different modalities for the laser treatment, but if you opt for the CO2 laser therapy, it will address both of these scar types. It works by stretching the skin and building the collagen levels in the depression areas.  It can also break down the excess scar tissue in order to make a smoother skin texture. Also, you must make sure your skin is being treated under the aegis of the right Skin Clinic Phuket, which comes with experienced and skillful staff.

3. Get Results Faster

Laser light has been proven to be effective in the treatment of dermatological conditions. A laser device produced the laser light, which is then absorbed in the target area. Once the laser is absorbed, it is converted into heat energy. This heat energy helps to reduce the size, pigmentation, and redness of the acne scars. The cosmetic improvement of the skin is usually seen in just a few days after treatment.

So these were a few of the benefits of undergoing laser acne scar removal treatment. Hope you found the information helpful. If you are someone who is also looking forward to undergoing this treatment or any other treatment such as acne treatment, Melasma Treatment in Phuket, or anything else, feel free to get in touch with “Summer Face & Body Clinic”.

Based in Phuket, it's one of the best clinics providing people with complete beauty treatments for both skin and body. Best of all, the company provides its services at pretty affordable prices and patients are treated in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. To know more, visit Summer Face & Body Clinic.


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